
Showing posts from November, 2024

ClaimsPrincipal, ClaimsIdentity, Claims explained in dotnet authentication

claimsprincipal_dotnet Authentication means identifying a subject (user, external application etc) ASP.Net Core Identity is a framework that uses claims based authentication to authenticate users Key concepts in Claims-based authentication Claim Claim is a statement about the subject (user) being authenticated It is a key value pair (like username=John is a claim, is a claim, userId=236 is a claim) A claim can have an issuer (for example: userId=236 as per system , date of birth=1st-Jan-2006 as per Gmail ; here system and Gmail are the issuers) ClaimsIdentity ClaimsIdentity is a collection of claims of the subject (user) For example, driving license of a subject (user) can be a ClaimsIdentity that has claims like name, photo, date of birth, address etc. Passport can be a ClaimsIdentity that has claims like name, place of birth, photo, nationality, permanent address etc ClaimsIdentity also has a string property called Authenti...

Implicit usings, top level statements, file scoped namespaces in dotnet

implicit usings Implicit usings = no repeated using statement in all files With implicit usings feature in a C# project, common using statements are automatically added by the compiler in all the C# files. For example using System; statement is not required to run the dotnet console application as shown below Console . WriteLine ( "Hello World!" ) ; Additional implicit usings can be declared in a C# project with global usings statements in any one of the project’s C# files as shown below. global using Ardalis . GuardClauses ; global using MediatR ; global using Project2 . Utils ; Existing implicit usings can be removed or included in the .csproj file of the C# project as shown below < ItemGroup > < Using Remove = " System.Threading.Tasks " /> < Using Include = " System.Math " /> </ ItemGroup > The implicit usings added in a C# project is based on the project type as sh...

Manage packages in dotnet applications

dotnet_packages By using packages , third party logic can be used in dotnet applications Packages declaration in csproj file The external packages used by a project are declared in its csproj file like the following The packages will be downloaded and linked as per the csproj package references during the restore or build process Browse Nuget packages online Nuget packages can searched online at Manage packages from dotnet cli Install / update a package command - dotnet add <PROJECT_FOLDER> package <PACKAGE_NAME> -v <VERSION> The following command adds/updates a package in a project. If the package is already present, it will be updated to the latest version dotnet add package Microsoft.Data.Sqlite Install a specific version using -v flag like the following dotnet add package Microsoft.Data.Sqlite -v 8.0.10 List all packages in a project command - dotnet list <PROJECT_FOLDER> package ...